Friday, 30 April 2010

Pick Me Up

Unfortunately the battery in my camera ran out about 5 seconds after getting into Somerset House, so any images I used are from other blogs etc.

The show was great, lots of amazing work highlights for me were Rob Ryans studio, I have been a fan of his for ages so was really cool to see what his studio was like and to see examples of all his work scattered about. Image from
Rob Ryan's blog

Nobrow was probably the best, I love everything they produce. Here is a pic from Creative Review

Also over with Landfill who produce prints had wicked prints from Shoboshobo,Brecht Vandenbroucke and Adrian Fleet.

As expected, really inspirational and would highly recommend people to get down before it closed on the 3rd May. I also got some amazing Julie Verheoven wallpaper in the shop.